Discovery of a lectin domain that regulates enzyme activity in mouse N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-IVa (MGAT4A) | Communications Biology
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Developmental Expression of the Neuron-specific N-Acetylglucosaminyltransferase Vb (GnT-Vb/IX) and Identification of Its in Vivo Glycan Products in Comparison with Those of Its Paralog, GnT-V - ScienceDirect
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Discovery of a lectin domain that regulates enzyme activity in mouse N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-IVa (MGAT4A) | Communications Biology
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話題の精力剤『GNT-α』を調査してみた! 飲み続けるだけでヤバイことに | ゴゴ通信ゴゴ通信
Developmental Expression of the Neuron-specific N-Acetylglucosaminyltransferase Vb (GnT-Vb/IX) and Identification of Its in Vivo Glycan Products in Comparison with Those of Its Paralog, GnT-V - ScienceDirect
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